Thursday, November 21, 2013

Ezra John: 10 months

  Ezra is a busy little guy this month! Not quite crawling properly yet, but he sure gets around! Using a combination  of scooting and cruising on his belly, he gets around and into things pretty quickly!
It is so fun to watch his personality emerge, he is such a fun curious boy! He loves anything he can touch and poke, textures are fascinating. Anything with buttons provides hours of entertainment. We've given him an old phone as a car toy and he will sit and chatter to himself and poke the buttons for a good while.

   Tipping the scales at 25 lbs, 30.5 inches, he's obviously not wasting away. ;) We love his chubbiness and round cheeks! His favorite foods lately are Cheerios, soups and hotdishes, and rice rusks. He still eats his veggie purees as long as I don't mix anything in. He gets a lot of finger foods and he loves pears and other soft fruits.

  Another exciting happening of this month was our first snow! I am not a snow lover by any means, but it was a lot more fun having a child to play in it with! :) We had a great time tromping around and getting all wet and cold!

Ezra's 10 months lands on my birthday. :) So blessed to be his mama!

  We have been able to make a couple trips up north to visit my parents this month, and are planning to up again as a family for Thanksgiving. Ezra loves visiting with everyone up there, and it was great to see my sister Sarah and my little niece Eleanor again.

Laughing and laughing!

Visiting with uncles Josiah, Samuel, and Abram and aunt Ellie.

Earrrllyyy morning. yawn.

Play time with Grandpa Paul and cousin Eleanor!


Monday, November 4, 2013

Craft Room Organization

My craft area was in desperate need of an overhaul. Like, bad. Yikes.
Each time I went to start or finish a project or even find a pair of scissors it was mass chaos digging through the piles.

Target had the bookshelf on sale for $18, and I grabbed some fabric bins and jars at the dollar store.

The metal silverware lazy susan I found at JoAnn's on clearance, and it works excellently for holding pens, ribbon, and scissors.

Love these little "candy" jars. I used them to sort my ribbon scraps and buttons.

I moved all my paint up higher and out of the reach of children, added the second bar on the ribbon organizer, and hung these little Target dollar bin cans full of misc items.
These things have never had a home and are constantly being tossed around the table. I finally came up with a good storage solution. This way I'll always know where they are. Excellent.