Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thrifting Treasures

Thrifting. Probably one of my favorite activities, especially when I can find good deals! I stopped by our local Salvation Army a couple days ago, and was able to pick up a couple good deals, including a perfect coffee table for our great room! I had been keeping my eye out for one while shopping. It had to be under $20, in decent shape, and preferably dark cherry finish to match the other furniture we have so far. I was also hoping for some drawers.

I found this little beauty for $12! I was quite pleased, and after some wrestling we got it into the back seat of my little car, and it was mine!
I looked it up online when I got home (it still had an original sticker on it), and it looks like they run about $150 new. :D

When Jacob got home, he noticed the drawer tracks were on upside down! No wonder the drawers didn't work well. :P He took them all off and fixed that problem, and I spray painted the handles black. They were wood colored, but I wanted it to look a little more formal, and the black accents it well.

He is always so helpful! :)

I also found this:
 Which, after a couple coats of black spray paint, is now this:

I also finished my coasters, which will have their own post, so now I have a nice coffee table in my living room. :)


  1. Ohh! That coffee table is so perfect, really cute and matches so well with the room. Not to mention I adore that darling mirror/tray you found. So jealous! haha You know whats cool is using mirrors as dry erase boards. Since I creepily ended up with like four bigish ones in my room, that's what I did with one!
    I can't wait till you guys get your floor in the great room done, that will be so awesome! And...that's all! :D

  2. Thanks! :D Yeah... I might have the left the mirror tray it's original color if it didn't contain gold. But alas, it did, so out comes my trusty bottle of black spray paint. :P
    OOh, and now, I have the best idea for that table Papa gave me. It's going to look ah-mazing!
