
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Kitchen Organization

If you ever need inspiration to organize, go to IHeart Organizing. Wowzers, what a beautiful blog full of so many beautiful things!

Anyway, I found my organizing inspiration for some problem areas of my kitchen. Here are some slightly embarrassing pictures of my corner cabinet...

That doesn't look SO horrible, does it?

Until it explodes all over the counters! The nice thing about big cabinets is that I have lots of space. The bad thing is they also deep and can fit a LOT of disorganized junk.

I emptied them and sorted into piles; cereal, snacks, things to eliminate, and chips. I combined and purged where I could, wiped out the cabinets, and put everything back neatly. I used two colanders to keep my instant oatmeal packets and chips corraled and neat, as well as easily accessible.

On the top shelf I used a small, three tiered metal rack from the Dollar Store to keep my snack items more accessible.

Much better! I used a couple smaller plastic storage canisters for granola.

 I moved the cashews, pistachios  almonds, wild rice, and some leftover candy to my lovely canisters on top my little crate shelf that holds my cook books. I found all of the canisters and the shelf at an estate sale for $12 total.
I also tried out the drill Jacob gave me finally, and hung some cup hooks! The cabinets where I store my dishes are quite tall, and perfect for cup hooks. :)

I still have a lot of work to do in the kitchen, but this is a start! Next up I think I'll tackle the spice/baking cabinets. o_O


  1. Nice!

    Oh heyyyy I like it when you post; you should do it more often. ;)

